How Digestive Function Affects Integrative Nutrition

Digestion Disorder and Nutrition National Institute Of Whole Health Integrative Nutrition Information

The single most reported complaints in all hospital emergency rooms are related to digestive system disorders. The digestive system is the most “stress affected” system in the human body. The American Nutrition Association shares that as many as 70,000,000 suffer from digestive symptoms like diarrhea, gas, bloating and abdominal pain. These symptoms aren’t just uncomfortable, they also disrupt the body’s ability to absorb essential nutrients, leading to a host of diseases.

Wouldn’t it be helpful to understand and educate others on how and why they are suffering from digestive ailments? Let’s looks at this from a whole health perspective.

We all know people who eat organic, whole foods and are meticulous about the quality and quantity of what they put in their body and are sick, tired, plagued with health issues. Then there are others who eat anything and everything, the good, the bad and the ugly and have energy to burn, not a pimple on their entire body and feel great.

Often, what this is the result of the function and efficiency of their individual nervous systems. Those who have an active “sympathetic” nervous system, with the tenth cranial nerve reeking havoc with their alimentary canal, they are the folks that no matter what they eat and how, pure, clean and how much organic foods they consume – they just don’t do well and feel unwell much of the time.

For the individual with a well tuned central nervous system the digestive system can be a culinary playground that accepts all types of nutrients and food stuffs and produces ample nutrition without up set or illness.

What makes one nervous system different from another, one person’s experience different from another? It has more to do with the unconscious personality of an individual than any other single factor, with the exception of the rare congenital or pathological occurrence.

The digestive system has an intimate relationship with other systems including the immune system, reproductive, circulatory and endocrine systems. Improving overall whole health often starts with the digestive system.

For more whole health discussions, listen to Dr. Georgianna Donadio’s radio show Living Above The Drama.