3 Simple Ways You Can Care for Your Health in an Eco-Friendly Manner

With 72% of respondents reporting that they actively purchase more eco-friendly products than they did five years ago, it’s clear that such products are very high in demand. And, with that demand comes many innovative outcomes, especially when it comes to your whole health.  From brushing your teeth to taking care of your skin and even your menstrual cycle, here are some simple ways you can become more eco-conscious in your everyday routines.

An eco-twist on dental care

Whether you’ve realized it or not, a traditional dental routine involves a lot of plastic waste. From toothbrushes that need to be changed every few months to plastic flossing devices and even the wasteful habit some of us have of leaving the sink faucet on while we brush, there’s no doubt that much of the population is having a negative effect on the environment every day. Luckily, there are a few things you can do to lessen your environmental impact, and it may just benefit your wallet too.

One of the most innovative and eco-friendly trends in the dental care industry involves bamboo toothbrushes — a plant-based alternative to the plastic ones that can biodegrade in a couple of months as opposed to many years. Bamboo toothbrushes can also hold up better than plastic ones, meaning you can save money in the long run by not having to purchase a new one so often. Other ways you can reduce your dental hygiene waste include using a biodegradable floss, reusable floss pick, and shutting off the water while you brush. 

A better skincare routine

Taking care of the skin is a priority for many people. With everything from lotions, creams, makeup remover, and more, many skincare routines are filled with the unnecessary plastic packaging of bottles and tubes galore. For a better skincare routine, using eco-friendly brands, and incorporating as many reusable glass jars as you can is a great idea, and can help in creating a zero-waste beauty routine. Making your own skincare products is another option, as you can cut out the use of plastic by making your own product to go into reusable containers. Going bare is also an idea worth considering. By using bars of lotion and face wash, you can simply skip the packaging altogether.

 Zero-waste periods? 

While it might be hard to believe, a woman’s menstrual cycle has a significant and negative impact on the environment. In fact, just one woman will use between 5 and 15 thousand pads and tampons over the course of their entire lifetime, which will wind up in landfills (for the most part). With that said, a zero-waste menstrual cycle might sound impossible to some, though those who have already made the switch to a menstrual cup may beg to differ. 

A menstrual cup, or a silicone cup used in place of a tampon or pad, is worn inside the body to collect menstrual fluids, removed after 12 hours, emptied, cleaned, and reused. Not only can one single cup be used for your whole cycle, but can be used for years depending on the brand (some may suggest you replace it every year, while other brands suggest replacing every 2+ years). This proves the pad alternative to be an extremely sustainable option when it comes to the environment. While the price can be more expensive than a box of tampons (a cup by the brand DivaCup retails around 25 dollars in-store), they can last several years, thus saving you money and the environment at the same time.

With eco-friendly products on the rise, it comes as no surprise that there are many sustainable products for your everyday healthcare routines. From menstrual cups to a plant-based toothbrush, incorporating even just one eco-friendly product into your life can be a great thing for the environment. 

Author Credit: Allie Oliver

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