Can Being Too Clean Be Harmful?

Researchers at the University of Michigan School of Public Health analyzed data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. According to the outcome of the data they found that young children and teens who are overexposed to the chemical triclosan, found in anti-bacterial soaps, could have an increased risk for developing hay fever and other allergies. This finding actually suggests that being too clean can make people sick, the researchers say.

The same study found that bisphenol A (BPA) which is widely used in soaps, toothpaste, plastic products, medical devices and other commonly used items can also weaken the immune systems of adults exposed to higher than normal levels of the chemical. It is believed that BPA effects the immune system through its effects on the human hormonal system.

In this study researchers compared levels of triclosan and BPA in the urine with cytomegalovirus (CMV) antibody levels and diagnosis of allergies or hay fever in adults and children over age 6.

“We found that people over age 18 with higher levels of BPA exposure had higher CMV antibody levels, which suggests their cell-mediated immune system may not be functioning properly,” researcher Erin Rees Clayton said in a university news release. The study findings are published in the Nov. 30 2006 online edition of the journal Environmental Health Perspectives.

For more whole health discussions, listen to Dr. Georgianna Donadio’s radio show Living Above The Drama.

A Natural Approach to Resolving Acne

A Natural Approach To Acne by Dr. Georgianna Donadio of National Institute of Whole Health

Parents as well as teenagers know one of the most frustrating events at any age is having facial blemishes and acne. A universally important aspect of a person’s appearance is clear, healthy skin.

Given this, it is little wonder that billions of dollars are spent every year on achieving good skin as well as billions spent on cover-ups and make-up to cancel skin blemishes.
Our skin appearance is important to overall appeal. Our skin tells a story about our internal health and hormone function, both of which are tied into our attractiveness.

In my Whole Health and nutrition practice, assisting adolescents in clearing up their skin problems is one of the conditions we see that responds well to a natural approach to the problem.

By educating on how acne and pimples develop on the skin, this allows for various lifestyle changes that can naturally improve or resolve the skin breakouts. Skin blemishes are related to the production of androgens, which are hormones secreted into the blood stream.

Androgens are potent “chemicals”, specifically hormones. Androgens are secreted into our blood stream. Our liver produces blood plasma proteins, which bind up and inactivate the majority of androgens, so that only a small percent of androgens are free to enter our cells.

In adolescence, the body needs time to adjust to and regulate hormone secretions, and a young body and brain can become physically and even emotionally overwhelmed by the effect of androgens on the cells and on the brain.

Androgens enter hair follicles and sebaceous cells. Once the androgens get inside the cell, a specific enzyme converts the androgens into a more highly active form. The active androgens then enter the nucleus of the cell where it interacts with genetic material. This can lead to highly stimulated oil glands, which creates acne.

Depending upon:

a) the amount of androgens available to enter the cells

b) how well the liver is controlling the active androgens

c) the nutrition of the person and its effect on liver metabolism

d) the amount of waste and/or toxins being re-absorbed into the liver from the bowel environment and importantly – the amount of exercise the adolescent is doing that will utilize the androgens to build and create muscle tissue, thus reducing the amount of androgen that might be absorbed into the cells.

A successful and natural way to clear up adolescent acne is with exercise – vigorous, regular exercise. Within a few weeks, the androgens are utilized to build strong muscle fibers and the skin blemishes can clear up so well it can seem like a miracle!

When someone is taking steroids one of the side effects is significant acne that is seen on the back and the face. When the steroid use is discontinued the acne goes away.

In addition to regular vigorous exercise, healthy eating which includes vegetables and fruits, drinking plenty of water, skin hygiene and proper amounts of sleep all help the body to function well thus supporting the proper regulation of androgens and the resultant healthy, attractive skin.

Adolescence can be a challenging time for our skin, as the body is learning to regulate the hormone secretions that new to our systems. Skin is an external reflection of our internal health. By taking a health hygiene and whole person approach young skin can glow with radiant health and not blemishes.

For more whole health discussions, listen to Dr. Georgianna Donadio’s radio show Living Above The Drama.